Events & Exhibits

Michelle White
Interactive Art Installation

My whole life I always felt I was an artist but did not think it was the right path to follow to make a living and be on my own, so I stuffed that idea until it could no longer stay tucked away in my soul. 

In 2014 I finally honored myself and took a private paint class with Brenda Clark and that was it, I was hooked! I started painting just about everyday and began to develop my own style. 

Then, in 2018, “the girls” started to show up and took a life of their own. All I could draw for a very long time were faces.

Some people need physical exercise for their mental health, I need to do art. It fills my soul, brings me closer to God and it heals! 

Northport Arts Association Presents

Follow The Art: Tom Woodruff Retrospective

Original Pen and Ink Works, Illustrations, Murals, Stained Glass, Wood Carvings and More.

An examination of an extraordinary and creative life, its impact on his students and our community.

Featuring a preview screening of the film “Follow the Art: The Creative Journey of Tom Woodruff”

Opening Reception Sept. 20, 5-8 pm
Exhibit September 21 - 29, 2024
Gallery hours: Noon-4 PM closed Mondays
In the Village Arts Building, 301 N. Mill St. Northport, MI

When Form Meets Function Exhibit is back!

When Form Meets Function is an exhibit that features artists work in a variety of mediums, clay, wood, fiber, metal and glass. This exhibit is to reach and engage artists who are working in other mediums representing form and function.

Applications for the exhibit are being accepted NOW!


- Only one (1) space per artist at this time.
- Full Space Approximately 8’ x 8’
$50.00 per full space NAA Member $65 per full space Non-member
- Half Space Approximately 4’x8’ (available at NAA only)
$30 per half space NAA Member $40 per half space Non-Member
- Spaces can be shared
- Chairs are provided. If you need a table please indicate on the application (There are a limited number of tables available and will be assigned in order of when applications are received)
- Participants are not allowed to exceed their assigned space or move from their designated space without permission of the coordinator.
- Fees are due in full with submission of this application.
- Request for cancellation and refund must be received in writing, within 30 days prior to the event, to the Northport Arts Association. No refund if less than 30 days notice.
- No early shut downs. You are asked to remain open the entire time of the show